Friday, July 22, 2011

Basic Tips

Here's a preview of a lot of the topics we'll be discussing.  It's so much information that many months and one league up later I'm still trying to incorporate this list into my play.  These items will come up and up again, so here they all are at the start as a preview.  Thanks to day[9] and ForceSC2Strategy videos for these.

Here are the two most basic ones to start with:
1) Keep building probes/SCVs/drones.  Just don't stop.
2) Keep your money low.  Have lots of money?  Spend it on something.  Make it work for you.

  • Constantly build probes/drones/SCVs to harvest minerals.  You should never stop (in non-n00b play, you actually will stop sometimes, but in n00b play, you should keep building because you will be guaranteed to forget building them).
  • Keep your money low.  Money in the bank is useless.  Your opponent's 200 mineral army will always beat your 1000 mineral bank account.
  • When your opponent is expanding, you can expand because they're not likely to attack
  • That said, a good time to start building an expansion is just after you push out with an attack force (so you can build econ while the attack is happening).
  • Try to match # of bases w/ your opponent either by expanding or killing their expos
  • Each base can feed max 4 production buildings.  So basically try to end up with 4x production buildings where x is # of bases.
  • Try to evenly harvest your minerals so you have as many active bases as possible.  So when you expand, take half your workers to the expansion.
Micro strategies
  • Target Fire: Right-click or A-click a single unit to kill it quicker.  Units deal the same amount of damage regardless of how hurt they are so it's advantageous to reduce the number of units as fast as you can rather than have a ton of half-damaged units doing full damage to you.
  • Kiting:  Right-click to move away, then when your units are ready to fire again, hit 's', they fire, then move away again.  I'd say this is probably one of the most effective micro strategies based on the number of times it's killed me :P.
  • Always scout!!!  Yes your micro and macro will suffer but it's worth it.  Starcraft 2 is a big game of rock-papers-scissors so if you know what your opponent will play, you can select the correct units to counter with.
  • If you can't get a unit into the base to really have a look around, try briefly attacking the front of the base and see which units show up.  Be prepared to run away once the units show up (unless it looks like you will crush them)
  • Put a unit or building at vulnerable places where enemies might hop up a cliff or go up a ramp
Base building
  • Hide your higher tech units from scouts (the buildings that tell your opponent if you're playing rock, paper, or scissors).  Put them away from your main buildings so they're harder to spot (and also away from they can be easily attacked).
  • Less important for Terran, but when walling off a ramp, leave a one-grid-space wide opening and put a buff unit there on Hold to block.  I guess this is only important for Terran if you don't have the supply depot thing ready in time.

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