Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Terran Strategy: MMM Build

This is the Marine+Maurader+Medivac build, one of the most basic Terran builds.  I know it works really well against Protoss and is the foundation of a lot of Terran builds I play against.  Here's the build Will uses  accomplish this and/or go into his other builds (from
3 Rax Build Order
9/11: Supply Depot
12/19: Barracks (train 1 Marine as soon as it is done then attach a tech lab; research Concussive Shells as soon as it if finished)
13/19: Refinery
15/19: Orbital Command
17/19: Barracks (tech lab as soon as it is done)
17/19: Supply Depot
..continue to pump SCVs
19/27: Stimpacks
25/27: Barracks #3 (with Reactor)
..continue to pump SCVs, Supply Depots, and infantry. Grab Combat Shields on the second Barracks when you have the resources.